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Why do I look fat in pictures?

Why do I look fat in pictures? (Main Reasons & Solutions)

Everyday we take countless photos to capture the memories. But some of you may feel disheartened, when you get to see you are looking fat in pictures. It can happen for many common reasons that you are unaware. That is why you often asked the question, “why do I look fat in pictures?”. In this article, you will get to know why you look fat in pictures and what you should do to avoid it.  

It will save you from the frustration and help you to click pictures where you will look slimmer. Some of the common factors are wrong camera angles, inappropriate cloth choice, lighting effects and more. Once you go through the whole article, you will find out how easily you can look fit in your photos. Let’s rush down to the main details.

Wrong Clothes

The wrong choice of clothing can make you look heavier in pictures. Loose clothes will give you a bulk look in the cameras. Besides, the pattern of the clothes can also play an important role whether you look slim or fit in your next camera clicks. If you see slightly at the upper section of your daily wearing, then you will see that a V-neck is the best option to minimize the wide frame. But you can face an unmatched body proportion issue if the neck line extends too far.

Solutions: You need to wear a well-fitting cloth to get a slimmer look. Vertical stripes will create an illusion and make you look less fat in pictures. Besides, you can also wear high waisted pants to your waist and cover your stomach. Heels will also help you look taller and distribute your body mass so that you look like a slim person. Black and other dark colors are also a sleek choice in line.

Inappropriate Pose

Your pose in photos can greatly affect how your body appears. If you stand too close to the camera then it will make you appear larger than you are. Besides, head-on straight to the camera also tends to make you look overly thick. Also, lazy pose can harm your natural posture, and add unnecessary bulkiness in your pictures.

Solutions: You should take a step back from the camera and pose at a 45-degree angle. It will reduce the visual width view and make you look slimmer in pictures. Avoid head-on poses and instead stand with your back straight, shoulders down, and chest out. You can also slightly flex your stomach and angle your arms away from your body to show your natural shape.

Wrong Camera Angles

The camera angles can significantly affect how you appear in photos. If you use the wrong angle of a camera, then you will appear thicker in your clicks. Most often a wide-angle lens will make you look fat in pictures. Besides, high angles can also make you look larger in camera shots. Use of wide angle lenses and high angles need to be avoided to click pictures that will make you appear thin.  

Solutions: You should keep the camera at a reasonable distance and take your picture from a lower angle. There is also an option for you to try on different angles and find the best camera angle that will make you look slimmer. Position the camera below the eye level and capture pictures which will make you appear toned. Besides, you will also look taller with this camera angle shot.  

Lighting of Photos

Lighting significantly influences how you appear in pictures. Poor lighting can make you look bulky. Bad light in your photo frame can cast unflattering shadows and make your outline appear wider. Besides, harsh overhead lighting can also create deep shadows. Try to click photos in the golden hour of the day so that proper lighting will make you appear thinner in your pictures.

Solutions: Short lighting technique is often used to make you look slim in pictures. Besides, you can also place light above and behind the camera for a proper lighting condition. It will minimize shadows and help you to look thinner. If you are not so familiar with these kinds of work, then you can hire a professional Studio photographer for your assistance.

Wrong Use of Lens

Lens distortion is a common issue that can stretch and widen your face. It always adds extra weight to your appearance in photos. This effect is particularly pronounced when using wide-angle lenses, which can exaggerate proportions and make facial features appear larger. Besides, pictures taken from too close to the subject with a wide-angle lens can further distort the natural balance of your face.

Solutions: If you wish to avoid distortion, then you should not take into use wide-angle lenses. You should go with longer length lenses like 50mm or 85mm. It will give a more realistic representation of your pictures. Also, the best option is to experiment with different lenses and distances to find the best setup for you to achieve thinner appearance in pictures.


You already know why you look fat in pictures. It is important for you to work with the lighting setup, camera angles, right clothes and position so that you appear slimmer in your next photo clicks. In general, avoid wide angle lenses and loose clothes for the best appearance. If you find the article helpful for your needs then don’t forget to share it with your friend and family. Keep coming back for more updates shortly.  

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why do I look fat in camera not mirror?

The camera and the mirror capture different perspectives. When you look in the mirror, you see a reversed image. However, a camera captures a static image of you. The camera lens may distort proportion and make you appear wider in picture than you look in the mirror.

Does the camera really add weight?

Yes, cameras can sometimes make you look heavier. This effect is due to factors such as lens distortion, lighting, and camera angles. Wide-angle lenses can also distort your features and add bulkiness. But with the right pose and setup, you can look slim in your pictures.

How to look skinny in pictures?

You need to choose clothes that fit well and have vertical patterns so that you look slimmer in pictures. Besides, you should also pose at a little angle to the camera, and position it slightly below eye level. It will make you appear skinny in pictures.

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